Power Management Item: ===================== One of the roadmap cards the PMWG is working on is the thermal management card. http://status.linaro.org/card/PMWG2011-THERMAL-MANAGEMENT.html One of the acceptance criteria for this item is: Thermal management should be validated on an Android image; a suggestion is to run the system on the highest OPP, and use that to trigger the thermal transition. Per Amit D., This topic has been discussed with Samsung landing team, they will pick these patches for hwpack and android release. I want to make sure this happens and the patches make it to an Android image that we can test with on Samsung platform.
Android Agenda Items =================== 1. Single kernel? 2. Benchmarks-to-toolchain-group work 3. Developer tools 4. MM help with Video Conferencing 5. GFX help GLMark2 6. PM on all Android targets 7. How else can Android help you?
Notes: --------- * Single Kernel status unknown.
* Valgrind +2
* MM help with video conferencing?
* How can Android better help you * MM? Panda Audio enablement, Vishal question, what’s the plan for the rest, AI for Zach to send plan. * GFX? Wiki pages are helpful. Some kind of dev guide. PoC list for Android issues. * Toolchain: Valgrind, auto-benchmarks, PoC lists, getting going * PM: Power Tutor, stalled out, Zach to pick back up , Amit can you, once CPU idle, pick i up support * KWG: ???
Dev Platform Agenda Items: ======================= 1. Deliverables that might affect Ubuntu 2. How to make sure PM is properly integrated at the Ubuntu targets 3. MM and work needed to improve XBMC and Ubuntu TV (qtmobility) 4. GFX planning for 12.01 and work with Unity 3D 5. Anything missing at the Dev Platform (images, tools) that might be interesting for other WGs?
Notes: --------- * Michael is fine with the current sysroot produced by Marcin, and plan to keep validating it by hand once they are available. Maybe a discussion should happen at Connect to see if this can be automate.
* Please send Ubuntu input to Ricardo.
* Still not sure if Ubuntu is properly using power management (as the LT is maintaining the tree and config set), Amit will take a look and see if anything is missing.
* Point to MM working group, XBMC and Ubuntu TV, can the MM WG help? Ravi is. Kan Hu - XBMC still need a person for Ubuntu TV.
* Mark and Alexandros is working on Unity-3D upstreaming. Fighting against time. They are the correct PoC for Unity-3D upstreaming for this month and through Connect.
* Ricardo, are there any other tools that people need in Ubuntu? Jesse, images are fairly good.
Validation Agenda Items: ==================== 1. There was some recent discussion with mmwg about audio e2e testing, and whether we should be testing this over hdmi for boards that default to hdmi, or whether all boards should start with a test to simply cover the jack loopback. 2. Kernel WG testsuite progress?
Notes: --------- * End-to-end audio test. Need to handle HDMI audio test. Audio loop-back over jack is one test case and HDMI audio loop-back is a seperate test. Need HDMI test in the next 3-4 months.
* Need to get audio test into LAVA.
* Tom to work on Android and other higher level tests
Housekeeping: =========== The quality of voice really sucks. Any suggestions for a public platform, or should we move back to #linaro-meeting? - Mumble seems to work better, as you can see where the noise is coming and mute the person (but people generally have issues with mumble). - Google Hangout? Would probably work fine too (it’s the only good thing of google+ ;-)
There are quite a few conflicts with this time slot, we need to reschedule. I (dzin) will try to find a more appropriate time slot. Apologies and please bear with me.
============== = Action Items: = ==============
Amit will send out CONFIG options to check and a test we can run by hand for http://status.linaro.org/card/PMWG2011-THERMAL-MANAGEMENT.html. Ideally this would be part of the pm test case available at LAVA. Besides config enablement, would be good to check with LTs if they are including the needed patches and so on.
Zach to spin up a thread about feeding raw data to the toolchain grouphttp://status.linaro.org/card/PMWG2011-THERMAL-MANAGEMENT.html
Zach to send an email to KWG.
Ricardo to spin up a BP for remaining XBMC and Ubuntu TV work (2 different BPs to target 2 people)
Zach to meet with Benjamin.
Tony to talk to Alexandros about GLMark2 integration work, Zach to get a thread going.
David to send out a summary to linaro-dev and linaro-android.
-- David Zinman Linaro Release Manager | Project Manager Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs