With RPB environment I can easily add some new layer via a local_manifest
way on top of rpb manifest.
In this case, I see a potential issue and I would like to open a
discussion about it.
If I add a layer:
- bsp layer: env setup script take into account all the bsp layer
available on the source tree.
- framework layer (like meta-qt5, meta-browser, ...): in this case there
is no automatic way to use this layer on the build, we must manually change
the bblayers.conf file before the compilation to take into account the
framework layer.
Have you some plan to support such request ?
The goal are to provide a reproducible build which are as based on RPB
which add the support of new frameworks by using the same way to initialize
the environment without making manual change on bblayers.conf.
- if there is bblayers.conf and local.conf files on local_manifest, this
files will overwrote the default files available on manifest via the env
setup script.
Thanks for your feedback.
Christophe Priouzeau
Christophe Priouzeau
Software Engineer from STMicroelectronics
Group: LHG (Linaro Digital Home Group)
STMicroelectronics | 9 Rue Pierre Felix Delarue | 72000 Le mans | France