I tried to build my distro with meta-linaro/meta-linaro, I've found an
issue on "perf".
When I added "perf" to IMAGE_INSTALL, it causes an error as below;
NOTE: Running task 1452 of 2124
NOTE: Running task 1453 of 2124
NOTE: recipe linux-uniphier-arm64-4.4.8-AUTOINC+5f1a02e66c-r0: task
do_kernel_configme: Started
NOTE: recipe perf-4.2-r9: task do_patch: Started
NOTE: recipe linux-uniphier-arm64-4.4.8-AUTOINC+5f1a02e66c-r0: task
do_populate_lic: Started
NOTE: recipe perf-4.2-r9: task do_patch: Succeeded
NOTE: Running task 1454 of 2124
NOTE: recipe linux-uniphier-arm64-4.4.8-AUTOINC+5f1a02e66c-r0: task
do_populate_lic: Succeeded
NOTE: recipe perf-4.2-r9: task do_populate_lic: Started
WARNING: perf-4.2-r9 do_populate_lic: Could not copy license file
to /home/linaro/vsbu/develop/tmp-glibc/work/ph1_ld20_global-oe-linux/perf/4.2-r9/license-destdir/perf/COPYING:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory:
ERROR: perf-4.2-r9 do_populate_lic: QA Issue: perf: LIC_FILES_CHKSUM
points to an invalid file:
NOTE: recipe perf-4.2-r9: task do_populate_lic: Succeeded
NOTE: Running task 2084 of 2124
NOTE: recipe perf-4.2-r9: task do_prepare_recipe_sysroot: Started
NOTE: recipe perf-4.2-r9: task do_prepare_recipe_sysroot: Succeeded
NOTE: Running task 2085 of 2124
NOTE: recipe perf-4.2-r9: task do_configure: Started
ERROR: perf-4.2-r9 do_configure: Function failed: do_configure (log
file is located at
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in:
NOTE: recipe perf-4.2-r9: task do_configure: Failed
ERROR: Task (/home/linaro/vsbu/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-kernel/perf/perf.bb:do_configure)
failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: recipe bind-9.10.3-P3-r0: task do_install: Succeeded
NOTE: recipe perl-5.24.1-r0: task do_package: Succeeded
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2085 tasks of which 6 didn't need to be
rerun and 1 failed.
So it seems that it doesn't do do_fetch and just failed.
I've found you tried to re-enable do_fetch by d.delVarFlag() in
meta-linaro/meta-linaro/recipes-kernel/perf/perf.bbappend as below,
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d7810fab7487fb0aad327b76f1be7cd7"
PV = "4.2"
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
SRC_URI = "http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20150926T032755Z/pool/main/l/linu…"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "9a4a83c22368281b85e4ab12dcc3ec95"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] =
S = "${WORKDIR}/linux-tools-${PV}"
B = "${WORKDIR}/linux-tools-${PV}-build"
do_compile_prepend() {
mkdir -p ${S}/include/generated
echo "#define UTS_RELEASE \"${PV}\"" > ${S}/include/generated/utsrelease.h
# Ensure the above tarball gets fetched, unpackaged and patched
python () {
d.delVarFlag("do_fetch", "noexec")
d.delVarFlag("do_unpack", "noexec")
d.delVarFlag("do_patch", "noexec")
But it seems not work correctly.
Actually, when I just removed the perf.bbappend file from meta-linaro
(just for debugging) bitbake completed to build rootfs image with perf.
I actually would like to know below
- Is there any recommended configuration for perf?
- Was that tested with any configure before?
- Is that tested (built) in nightly test build?
If it is clear, I can dig deeper by comparing configurations by myself.
Thank you,
Masami Hiramatsu