On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 08:02:05PM +0000, chris.laplante@agilent.com wrote:
Hello all,
It seems that the external-linaro-toolchain recipe (in meta-linaro/meta-linaro-toolchain) doesn't work unless TI's
Well, it works for the most part, for what it needs to do. As I have replied to OE-Core list http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2017-October/14368... the issue is mostly that the prebuilt binary toolchain keeps on changing from version to version, hence needs constant updating. I've upstreamed a lot of fixes for this in the past to meta-linaro-toolchain. But not everything can be upstreamed.
meta-arago/meta-arago-extras layer is also present. That layer contains, among other things:
Is my understanding correct? If so, I'd be curious to know why these files are in meta-arago, as opposed to just being moved into meta-linaro-toolchain itself. If it's just due to a lack of time, then I'd be more than willing to help out. As things currently exist, I find the 'external-linaro-toolchain' recipe in meta-linaro to be a bit of a "carrot on a stick" - it looks really promising and enticing, but you can't get it to work without lots of effort. That effort ultimately amounts to implementing the changes that are present in meta-arago-extras...
The files you have listed in meta-arago make a lot of assumptions and contain historic cruft that is specific to TI SDK and the way Arago configures and uses things. TI SDKs have been using external toolchains for a long time since CodeSourcery and OpenEmbedded-Classic and I've been maintaining this usage since then, even before meta-linaro-toolchain existed. As I said, most of what is generic, I already upstreamed, but customizations and some "controversial" features had to stay in meta-arago - some were discussed before and rejected. I'll try to go over this again and see if anything else can be upstreamed...
BTW, I saw your discussion with Alex on IRC few days ago, but couldn't reply, as most of the OpenEmbedded and Yocto Project developers were in Prague this week for OEDEM, ELCE and YPDD, including myself and meta-linaro maintainers.