Hi all, I tried the new external-arm feature. I had a problem in building gdb-7.8, attached the patch I used to solve the problem,an in the following the patch for the layer, but anyway why gdb-7.8 is still used in the master branch? why do not upgrade to a newer version?
Regards, d.
diff --git a/meta-linaro-toolchain/recipes-devtools/gdb/gdb_linaro-7.8.bb b/meta-linaro-toolchain/recipes-devtools/gdb/gdb_linaro-7.8.bb index 630d43c..841b1ed 100644 --- a/meta-linaro-toolchain/recipes-devtools/gdb/gdb_linaro-7.8.bb +++ b/meta-linaro-toolchain/recipes-devtools/gdb/gdb_linaro-7.8.bb @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ inherit python-dir PACKAGECONFIG ??= "" PACKAGECONFIG[python] = "--with-python=${WORKDIR}/python,--without-python,python"
+SRC_URI += "file://0001-Fix-compilation-external-gcc-arm-8.2-2018.11.patch" + do_configure_prepend() { if [ -n "${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'python', 'python', '', d)}" ]; then cat > ${WORKDIR}/python << EOF