before i get to installing and/or booting the linux image i build with openembedded, i'd like to boot simply to the appropriate u-boot binary for this target board.
first, i've already bitbaked an absolutely stock "core-image-minimal" image for this board without issue using the meta-qcom layer at
although nicolas tells me that that layer is more generally maintained on github at:
but that's easy enough to change. haven't booted into that image yet, just wanted to verify that the build worked with no problem and produced all the artifacts i expect from an OE build. worked flawlessly.
to add u-boot to the build process, i went back and added the following lines to my local.conf:
EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS += "u-boot" UBOOT_MACHINE = "dragonboard410c_config"
again, build appeared to work perfectly, and generated the new artifact:
so, again, looks good. at this point, it appears that the recipe for booting to u-boot is in the readme.txt file in the appropriate directory in the u-boot source:
can anyone verify that that is still the correct set of instructions? and as i read it, to get to "fastboot" mode, i don't need the FTDI connection, just USB OTG should do it, is that correct?
is there a way to install the u-boot binary on the SD card and boot directly from there?