On Wed, 2 Jan 2019 at 12:34, Axel Lebourhis axel.lebourhis@linaro.org wrote:
Thank you for all these information, but I still have some questions (it's all new for me).
On Wed, 2 Jan 2019 at 12:30, Milosz Wasilewski milosz.wasilewski@linaro.org wrote:
Happy New Year!
You've done most of the setup it seems. Does the LAVA user you created have an API token? You create these using either LAVA UI (https://validation.linaro.org/api/tokens/) or REST API if you have fresh enough LAVA version (https://master.lavasoftware.org/static/docs/v2/data-export.html#index-3). This token should be than added in SQUAD admin for backend you created.
Yes, I've done that.
For using SQUAD to proxy your job submissions you need web frontend with API and SQUAD worker. Our ansible scripts start frontend as systemd service with apache2 as proxy: https://github.com/Linaro/qa-reports.linaro.org/blob/master/ansible/roles/fr... Worker is an instance of celery process that talks to RabbitMQ. Our example systemd service: https://github.com/Linaro/qa-reports.linaro.org/blob/master/ansible/roles/wo...
You can also set this up locally for testing without systemd. Just use the ExecStart commands from systemd service files.
To install your ansible scripts, I just need to clone the repo and follow the "deploy to production" instructions ?
this will probably try to deploy to our servers. So not the best option. But with changes in hosts.production and looking at extra settings (we use it for LDAP authentication) this might work. Please note that our deployment repository is focused on using AWS. If your setup is different you might need to tweak the ansible scripts a bit.
Submitting testjob to LAVA via SQUAD proxy is pretty easy. Here is an example: https://squad.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ci.html#submitting-test-job-requests
Make sure the URL for the request is in form: /api/submitjob/<team>/<project>/<version>/<ci-env>
Does "team" refer to a "group" ? Do I have to put the name of the group/project or the number that refers to it ? And how do I know the "version" ?
yes, team==group. Sorry, I should have been more careful when it comes to naming convention. Version is your build number, git sha1 or any string that identifies the build. It also doesn't have to exist in advance. It will be created on submission.