There is a request to allow managing email subscriptions when creating projects via REST API. Right now there is no such option. I took a quick look at the REST API code and I can see 2 options: 1. expose Subscription objects to the API This would be the easiest option as privileged users would be able to add/remove/modify the objects. This comes at a cost however as it would expose usernames and email addresses of our users.
2. add "subscribe" endpoint to Project The path would be like /api/projects/<id>/subscribe This would be a POST call with only email address included. If the user with such email address is already in the database it would be subscribed to the project notifications. If there isn't a user, email address only would be subscribed. This remove the risk of exposing users and emails. We would probably also need 'unsubscribe' endpoint in such scenario.
I lean towards option 2. If there are other suggestions I'm keen to hear them.