On Wed, 2 Jan 2019 at 15:14, Milosz Wasilewski milosz.wasilewski@linaro.org wrote:
On Wed, 2 Jan 2019 at 14:03, Axel Lebourhis axel.lebourhis@linaro.org wrote:
On Wed, 2 Jan 2019 at 14:47, Milosz Wasilewski <
milosz.wasilewski@linaro.org> wrote:
On Wed, 2 Jan 2019 at 13:36, Axel Lebourhis axel.lebourhis@linaro.org
Your help is much appreciated, I'm close to success. So now I can submit a job through Squad. The only issue remaining is that Squad doesn't fetch the results,
even with Squad listener running.
If I go to http://<squad
I can see the jobs I submitted, but the status is still on "not
fetched" with no fetch attempt.
First please try to force fetch using admin UI. Go to 'test jobs', select your test job, select 'fetch results of the selected jobs' from the dropdown and press 'go' button. This should schedule a task to fetch the results. It might take around a minute to execute the task (should be quicker than that).
When I do that, the celery service gives an error message, you can find
it in attachment.
This looks like a bug in SQUAD. However I haven't seen it in our servers, so I'm a bit puzzled. Anyway, to avoid this, please set the following value in the project 'settings' field: CI_LAVA_SEND_ADMIN_EMAIL: false
Ok now it's working I can force the fetch. How can I automate this ?
Maybe the ZMQ publisher is not configured well, I did nothing about
There might be a problem on both ends. IIRC LAVA doesn't enable ZMQ publisher by default. Even if it's enabled, it might be using
How can I enable ZMQ publisher ?
I'm not an expert on this. Please check LAVA docs. They're pretty verbose:
https://master.lavasoftware.org/static/docs/v2/advanced-installation.html#in... https://master.lavasoftware.org/static/docs/v2/data-export.html#index-6
Thank you I configured my instance as needed.
incorrect port or reporting incorrect port on xml-rpc interface. If you try 'squad-admin listen -v 3' you should get sth like this:
[2019-01-02 13:41:36 +0000] [INFO] Backend validation.linaro.org
[2019-01-02 13:41:36 +0000] [DEBUG] validation.linaro.org: connecting to tcp://validation.linaro.org:5510 [2019-01-02 13:41:36 +0000] [WARNING] validation.linaro.org: PyZMQ has no support for heartbeat (requires ZeroMQ library 4.2+), connection may be unstable
This tells me squad is trying to connect through 5500 port. How can I
check this is the good one ?
5500 is the default one. If you're running both SQUAD and LAVA on the same machine, that should work as long as ZMQ publisher is running.
This will tell you where SQUAD is trying to connect to. One more issue might be some firewall between SQUAD and LAVA preventing successful connection.
I don't think this can be an issue here as I'm testing on the same host.
Regards, Axel