Getting the output of 'email' API for the build usually takes a long time. In some cases we're close to hitting the 30 seconds timeout. I think the timeout is inevitable when there are a lot of results with big number of changes. In order to avoid timeout, maybe the API should do the work in background? This would work as follows 1. GET call to /api/builds/<id>/email 2. server creates a 'cashed report' object in database and returns URL for it immediately to the user 3. in the background server adds a report generation task to the queue 4. using the URL received in 2) user is able to retrieve the final results or check the progress 5. once the result is generated it can be a short lived object in the database (removed after 1 day for example)
Is this the solution we should aim for? The downside is that it requires active polling from the client side.