This 1.17 release adds a few changes to test results layout in build view. It collapses all results by default and displays an overall summary of tests in the box title for suite and environment boxes.
This release also adds an extra button that allows users to select build comparison type (test or metrics) in build view.
Complete list of changes going in:
* api: rest: add filterset_class attribute to StatusViewSet * core: commands: add fill_test_metadata command * frontend: * add choice of comparison type * add logo do api page * fix test result url to point to history * test_results: add collapse/expand all option * test_results: add overall summary in suite/environment boxes * test_results: make suitebox the default layout * test_results: move toggle box to the left * plugins: linux_log_parser: create metadata * release-docker: tag release image name * settings: init sentry plugin with squad release * settings: really configure celery max retries when queue server is out of reach