On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 05:40:49PM +0530, Sumit Garg wrote:
Please help to answer below query from Michael regarding licensing concerns for using Global Platform specs content in OP-TEE.
This dates back to ~2014 before OP-TEE had been pushed as an open source project and indeed the click-through license was one thing that was discussed before we decided to publish this. Having that said, the legal people at ST (back then the project was owned by ST) concluded that we could use the GP click-through license for the APIs, this is a copy/paste from an email discussion with ST (in 2014).
"On the legal side, one week ago our legal dedicated to this matter wrote “Progress! Finally, having discussed with colleagues, we have concluded that we can use the GP click-through license for the APIs. Therefore I just need to tidy up the following points and we will be able to provide both the CLA and the license terms for the distribution quite quickly […].”
I don't know how the discussion went inside ST nor who the legal person was, but since ST had people on GlobalPlatform boards back then, I suppose that the ST legal people went that way. The only way to find out more about this is to talk directly to ST legal people who were involved in this back in the days.