On 24-02-25, 08:17, Bertrand Marquis wrote:
I tried to put some thoughts into this:
- it is globally possible to poll for virtqueues
- not being able to receive events is kind of a limitation of the FF-A bus implementation in your configuration
- it would not make sense to have a "poll event" message at the transport level as it would enforce the transport to create a thread to call for it based on some information that the bus implementation would have to provide
So how about:
- we handle this at the ffa bus implementation level
Yes, this must be handled at the bus level for now.
- we define a FFA bus message where the driver side can just send a message to poll for event:
request: FFA bus-msg Poll events possible answers:
- no events
- any kind of event request
The drawback against polling the virtqueue is that this is inefficient, as we will need to exchange messages here.
I think we are good for now, as I have found a way to poll the virtqueues from the FFA bus implementation itself (as described in the previous email). So its fine for now I guess.