I have been trying to build 13.04 of linaro android, and I am facing with
this error:
out/host/linux-x86/bin/acp -fp
Install: out/debug/target/product/pandaboard/system/app/LiveWallpapers.apk
make[1]: Entering directory
Makefile:438: *** No gnu/libc-version.h found, please install
glibc-dev[el]/glibc-static. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [android_kernel] Error 2
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
[my environment setup]
ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS AMD64 version
g++ version: 4.6.3
build command line: make -j4 V=1 TARGET_PRODUCT=pandaboard
TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=eng TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=debug boottarball systemtarball
userdatatarball showcommands
following exact the steps from Linaro official page
can any gentleman help me with this, did anyone meet the same problem
as mine before? I searched on web, but no answer actually helps.
Thanks and best regards!
Here is the test result summary for Linaro android 13.05 release tests
for the different builds
[1] TI-panda 4430;
[2] TI-panda 4460;
[3] ST-Snowball
[4] Arndale
[5] Galaxy Nexus
[6] ARM Versatile Express A9
synopsis: toolchain version is upgraded to Linaro-GCC 4.7-2013.05, for
all the builds.
[1] Ti-panda 4430 + Linaro-android jellybean (column: AM)
toolchain_version is upgraded to : (gcc version 4.7.4 20130508
(prerelease) (Linaro GCC 4.7-2013.05), kernel_version: 3.2.0+, boots
ok, serial ok, adb-usb, adb-ethernet ok, 1080p video playback not work
(known issue: bug 1175457), audio-over HDMI doesnt work (bug:
1172642), please look into the result spreadsheets.
[2] TI-panda 4460 + Linaro android jellybean (Column: AM)
toolchain_version is upgraded to: (gcc version 4.7.4 20130508
(prerelease) (Linaro GCC 4.7-2013.05), kernel version: 3.2.0+, boots
ok, ethernet ok, serial ok, adb ok, 1080p video playback not work
(known issue: bug 1175457), audio-over HDMI doesnt work (bug:
1172642), please look into the result spreadsheets.
[3]ST-snowball with Linaro-android jellybean (column: AL)
toolchain_version is updated : (gcc version 4.7.4 20130508
(prerelease) (Linaro GCC 4.7-2013.05), kernel version: 3.4.0+, boots
ok, ethernet ok, video-playback doesnt work (known issue: Bug
#1034789), other features keep same as it is. Please look into the
result-spreadsheet for details of bug report.
[4] Samsung Arndale + Linaro-android jellybean (Column: B)
Boot to console, no GUI on HDMI, sdcard partition is not mount,
ethernet ok, busybox ok, adb-ethernet ok. Please look into the result
spreadsheet for details.
[5] Galaxy Nexus + Linaro-android jellybean (Column: B)
toolchain_version is upgraded : 4.8-2013.05, other features are works well.
[6] ARM-Versatile Express A9 + Linaro-android jellybean (Column: AM)
toolchain_version is upgraded to: 4.7-2013.05, kernel_version is:
3.10.0-rc2-00182-g4f1a63b, boots ok, serial ok, screen backs to light
after dimmed in suspend mode (Bug #1097241), perf test is unavailable
(Bug #1182839), all other features keeps same as it is. Please look
into the spreadsheet for Details.
Thanks & Regards
Soumya Basak