Here is where we stand on the project at the end of Wednesday.
Progress since yesterday: - CPR driver is approx. 80% completed. It is generating voltages almost identical to those produced by the downstream driver. The remaining work is to add programming of mem-acc and APM regulators, then aggressively test the results.
Work in Progress: - As discussed, Dmitry will suspend activity on the CPR work for now in order to focus on generating a preliminary 5.15 kernel branch for preliminary testing. He will switch back to complete the CPR driver when that kernel is ready for Sightline's testing.
Planned work: - CBF requires special handling in the CPR driver, so implement that - Utilize CBF for CPUfreq scaling - Consider utilizing CPR driver for the GPU regulator powerup - Finalize extra corner cases in the CPR driver - Support for Sightline as required.
Budget burn: Yesterday, Dmitry spent approx. 6.5 hours on the project, equating to 0.8 person-days. This leaves 5.8 person-days (46.5 hours) remaining in the engineering budget. I spent .25 hours, meaning 31% of the PM time has been consumed. We feel we are still on-track to deliver the expected outcomes within the current budget.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at any time.
Kind regards, Paul