what is the current state of libacpica for aarch64? Are packages available from Linaro (static libs and includes would be best)? Is it available on which linaro trees? Is anything already in upstream libacpica?
Thank you,
On 07/16/2014 08:51 AM, Claudio Fontana wrote:
what is the current state of libacpica for aarch64? Are packages available from Linaro (static libs and includes would be best)? Is it available on which linaro trees? Is anything already in upstream libacpica?
Thank you,
I'm not familiar with libacpica; is this something from the ACPICA organization that is not being shared? Or is this something else entirely?
The Linaro tools PPA does contain a very recent version of the tool set available from acpica.org (aka, ACPICA). These same tools can be installed with "apt-get install acpica-tools" on systems running Debian, or with "yum install acpica-tools" on Fedora. However, these tools are just commands, not a library. As far as I know, ACPICA has no plans to create such a library.