There have been problems with using uWSGI for lava-server, including preventing updates of 2016.6-2~bpo8+1 in jessie-backports.
The LAVA software team have completed a change which will be included in the 2016.11 release which removes the need for the libapache2-mod-uwsgi, libapache2-mod-wsgi and uwsgi-core packages. The replacement is the gunicorn package.
This does involve changes to the apache configuration of all sites which upgrade to 2016.11.
Ahead of installing 2016.11, two apache modules need to be enabled.
$ sudo a2enmod proxy $ sudo a2enmod proxy_http $ sudo service apache2 restart
These will not affect older installations.
Then install 2016.11 and your instance will continue to operate.
If you have made changes to /etc/apache2/sites-available/lava-server.conf then the changes to the upstream file will need to be merged into your changes.
If you choose to remove libapache2-mod-uwsgi after completing the install, be aware that there is a Debian bug which may affect you.
If your apache server fails to restart after removing the libapache2-mod-uwsgi package, you will need to workaround this bug by executing:
$ sudo a2dismod uwsgi $ sudo apache2ctl restart