LAVA has long been developed in the open as far as the git repositories and bug reports are concerned. However, the git commit history can often include references to LAVA-NNN and these references have previously been obscure.
Anonymous access has now been granted to all LAVA-* references, so here's some context on what and where.
This is a JIRA instance and we refer to issues in JIRA as cards or stories.
All stories in LAVA are now visible to the community, so you can map any of the LAVA-NNN references directly to the actual URL by prepending, e.g.
It has not been possible to open the actual organisation of the stories (KANBAN) and some elements do not provide the same links as when viewed internally but hopefully some of those issues can be addressed in the future.
For now, community members can follow any explicit LAVA-NNN reference from the git history or elsewhere to the actual story and view the complete description and all comments on that story. Most stories also provide a direct link to the review which implemented that story within the Comments section. Merged reviews provide information in the "Included In" menu about which branches and tags include that commit. Tags match the production release of the same name as the tag, so this allows everyone to know which releases contain which changes.
Stories which are currently status Open may simply be ideas which still need to be scoped. Some of these will be dropped without being implemented as use cases and code development moves on.
Dates in stories are very rough estimates, usually longer than it will actually require.
If community members have comments or questions on particular stories, please use the lava-users mailing list.