Now that the migration to V2 is in the final stages, the LAVA software team is looking at how the next stages of development will be managed. (The remaining large items are a clean up of the scheduler and porting lava-dispatcher and lava-server to python3.)
We'll be retiring bugzilla and moving to using lava-users mailing list for issue reporting. Members of the LAVA software team will then file tickets to cover any work involved in fixes discussed on the list. The ticket itself won't be visible without a Linaro login but there will be an associated LAVA story which is visible anonymously. The team member creating the ticket and the linked story will be responsible for updating the lava-users mailing list with progress and feeding back any comments. This allows us to collate multiple enquiries into one ticket or create multiple stories out of one discussion whilst allowing us to properly prioritise the work.
If you have a Linaro login, you can create tickets in the normal way:
There is also a public Dashboard: The dashboard has a dedicated section for tickets and stories which originated on the lava-users mailing list. The dashboard also gives an indication of when the next release is due.
The workflow looks like this:
Ticket created Linked LAVA story created.
When work starts, the LAVA story goes into In Progress.
If the work has to wait for other work to be completed, the story and ticket may be put into Blocked.
When a review is uploaded to, the LAVA story goes into Review.
When the review is merged, the LAVA story goes into Resolved with a FixVersion of the next LAVA production release, e.g. 2017.12 or 2018.1. Also, the ticket goes into InProgress.
When the release is made, the LAVA story goes to Done and the ticket goes to Awaiting Acceptance. If no problems arise, the ticket is then Closed.
The LAVA story will be mentioned in the commit message of the associated review and will therefore show up in the packaged changelog and git history.
There will still be reviews uploaded which are not directly linked to a LAVA story or ticket but for work which needs to be scheduled, planned or prioritised, a ticket and story will be created.