Everyone using LAVA should be aware of V1 and V2 and that V1 is going to be turned off. The plan for how to do that has been discussed within the team and within Linaro. The most recent presentation on the migration can be seen here:
http://connect.linaro.org/resource/las16/las16-503/ (Note: the video will auto-start, be aware.)
The slides are available on slideshare:
The dates for each step in the migration are not finalised but will occur during 2017, this is advance notice.
The highlights of the migration are:
0: During 2017, regular announcements will be made on this list before each major change. In addition, the regular release announcements will include details of the major changes in that release.
1: The first major change will be that a new release of lava-server and lava-dispatcher will *disable* V1 submissions entirely. Any queued V1 test jobs will become invalid upon this upgrade,
2: A later release will remove V1 documentation and start removing the V1 source code.
3: A release will be made which *forcibly deletes V1 test jobs, bundles, filters and image reports*. This is required to complete the removal of the V1 source code.
4: The final step of the migration is a release containing no V1 source code at all. Only V2 support will remain. This is essential as the V1 source code is currently blocking some useful additions to V2 as well as plans for future development. The data cannot remain accessible without the V1 source code. There is not and can not be any support for converting V1 data to V2.
Please take this chance to read up on the V2 documentation, including how Results, Queries and Charts replace the deprecated V1 support from filters and image reports.
Work has started upstream on making sure the migration runs smoothly, especially when deleting large numbers of V1 test cases.
Remember: Once the first major step is released, upgrades will stop running any V1 test jobs. Subsequent releases will include changes which force the deletion of your V1 test data.
If you want to preserve your V1 data, consider setting up a read-only reference instance which is then pinned at a particular release of LAVA to prevent deletion of the V1 data.