Hi Kevin, Alex,
There are no linaro-fixes to go on top of lsk-v3.14-android and lsk-v3.18-android this time around as well. So please pull aosp/android-3.{14,18} directly into linux-linaro-lsk-v3.{14,18}-android for 15.12.
Also now that android-4.1[1] is no longer experimental, I have prepared a lsk-v4.1-android topic branch[2] which you can pull from:
git://android.git.linaro.org/kernel/linaro-android.git linux-linaro-lsk-v4.1-android
Regards, Amit Pundir
[1] https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/common/+log/android-4.1 [2] https://android-git.linaro.org/gitweb/kernel/linaro-android.git/shortlog/ref...