On 15 June 2012 22:40, RabidCicada wrote:
Please point me to the kernel sourcecode repo and checkoutĀ for the resulting image created for the pandaboard by the following files: hwpack_linaro-lt-panda-x11-base_20120505-32_armhf_supported.tar.gz linaro-precise-ubuntu-desktop-20120426-119.tar.gz
uname -a gives "Linux linaro-ubuntu-desktop 3.3.1-38-linaro-lt-omap #38~lt~ci~00000000000001+1336186099~4fa4ad78-Ubuntu"
1. the hwpack version tells us that it is the build 32 on 2012.05.05. 2. looking at the manifest, it contains linux-image-3.3.1-38-linaro-lt-omap 3.3.1-38.38~lt~ci~00000000000001+1336186099~4fa4ad78 3. looking at the package changelog:
linux-linaro-lt-omap (3.3.1-38.38~lt~ci~00000000000001+1336186099~4fa4ad78) oneiric; urgency=low
[ John Rigby ] * Initial 3.3 Linux Linaro aka linux-linaro-q-3.3 * Rebase on linux-linaro-3.3-rc3-2012.02.1 * Workaround a config enforce problem * Hacked lt-omaponly tree as sauce template for tilt-3.3
[ Linaro CI ] * LINARO: LT: CI: Autogenerated Packaged Kernel * Add linaro and ubuntu packaging and sauce * linux-linaro-lt-omap 3.3.1-38.38~lt~ci~00000000000001+1336186099 created from: LT omap tree: tree:git://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/ti/kernel.git branch:tilt-3.3 commit:4fd4b38aa735fe96c97fa467e028d00c7cb10e1d CI linux-linaro tree: tree:git://git.linaro.org/ubuntu/linux-linaro-q.git branch:linaro-shared-only-3.3-se commit:6daa5241957db041a62d251ca25813201f734ebe Flavour specific package files from: tree:git://git.linaro.org/people/jcrigby/linux-lt-ci-pack-info.git branch:lt-omap-3.3-package-info commit:9408812bfd2aa1253d1d59635f24c6fae885362a
4. You're looking for the "created from" entry.