On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 04:09:19PM -0400, Nicolas Pitre wrote:
On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Deepak Saxena wrote:
I'd like to gather a list of topics from everyone so that I can start creating the session blueprints that will be used by the scheduler and the notetaking system. My current list of topics:
- Single zImage (2 sessions?)
- Device Tree (2 sessions?)
- Blueprint/Work Item process
- eMMC 4.5/UFS
- Flash storage optimizations (follow up from last connect)
- Android Upstreaming
- Kernel CI Loop
Please provide any other ideas you may have.
UEFI / boot architecture, secure services API, etc.
Neon assisted in-kernel algorithms (CRC32, crypto, etc)
Early serial output facility (separate from CONFIG_DEBUG_LL) [this may or may not be related to single zImage]
Should we add "early FDT parser" to that?
The current fact that we have a hardware description which is opaque to the early boot process seems to be a recurring problem for us, affecting zImage, low-level debug and some early board init code.
My idea would be to have a malloc-less parser which can pull individual nodes and properties out of the fdt blob, and resolve physical addresses. I feel that the amount of functionality required in order to make this useful is really quite modest.
ARM-SoC upstream maintenance process review
faith of the Linaro kernel
linaro-kernel mailing list linaro-kernel@lists.linaro.org http://lists.linaro.org/mailman/listinfo/linaro-kernel