== Deepak Saxena <dsaxena> ==
=== Highlights ===
* Worked on article on "Kernel Upstreaming Challenges" for executive member update. Ended up writing one version and completely throwing it away as it was too introductory but hope to use that to write a larger white-paper type of document on the topic. Update article draft @ http://goo.gl/9SBpT.
* Self-review, engineer review. (Do we really need to do these every 3-4 months?)
* Worked with Mounir on 12.04 blueprint updates
* Submitted talk proposal on "One zImage to Rule Them All" to LinuxCon Japan
* Regular 1:1s and meetings
=== Plans ===
* Finish review cycle work
* Finish patch tracking spreadsheet for upstream kernel work
* Connect planning
* Roadmap cards
=== Issues ===
* No major ones, though still feeling behind on everything due to being sick earlier in the month. :/
=== Travel/Time Off ===
* Off May 4th and following week, back to work on Monday the 13th. Will have no interwebs and limited phone access.
* Connect Q2, possibly with follow up