=== Highlights === * Rebased the 3.2 Androidization patches from Andy Green onto 3.3-rc3 and provided them to Andrey for the 12.2 release.
* Worked to get Rafael's wakelock patches into a git tree for testing. Unfortunately the patches have been under quite a bit of churn on the list, so I asked Rafael for a git tree to pull from, but he's not yet responded.
* Pinged tglx on my patch queues for 3.4, and he pulled them in.
* Spent some time trying to get a test platform working to play with Rafael's wakelock patches. So far there seems to be an issue getting the panda board to notice wake-events after suspending.
* Finished a first rough draft summarizing Android upstreaming meeting from last week. The hope is to publish it to lwn once complete.
* Tried to address a number of comments on the fadvise volatile patches. Integrated a few fixes to issues noticed by reviewers, and proposed using a different interface if folks feel fadvise isn't appropriate. Found an ugly locking issue I need to solve.
* Handled some Android-subteam items.
=== Plans === * Finish summary writeup and send to lwn
* Read over other fadvises discussions going on, and review interval kinterval tree implementation sent out by Andrea Righi.
* Read more on the pagecache code, and try to take another pass at fadvise volatile code.
=== Issues === * NA