I have put the tools, data and some conclusions from the work I did on the flash storage performance investigation at http://yxit.co.uk/public/flash-performance/
Here is a copy of the README file from there...
Some conclusions drawn from timings of usecases.
Some conclusions drawn from simulation of SD cards.
This scripts creates a filesystem then runs various usecases on it whilst blktrace collects traces of the resulting block driver activity.
This directory contains some traces already gathered using flashsim-usecases.sh on some cards described in doc/cards See traces/README for more.
This file contains results of running flashbench on various cards.
Program to simulates the various algorithms used by flash drives. This takes parsed blktrace output from a usecase and produces an estimate of the write amplification. process-traces.sh
Script to process the traces in directory traces/ and produce timings and simulation results using flashsim.
This contains an extension to the flashbench tool write blocks in various patterns. It is designed as an aid to deducing the algorithms used by SD cards. See commit 39a72bb1572809f9a62e0b48e10a6afccfd05024
This repository in cloned from Arnd Bergmann's repository at http://git.linaro.org/gitweb?p=people/arnd/flashbench.git