Hi Kevin,
On 9 December 2014 at 17:03, Kevin Hilman khilman@kernel.org wrote:
Simon Glass sjg@chromium.org writes:
On 8 December 2014 at 18:27, Kevin Hilman khilman@kernel.org wrote:
So is secure-mode enabled before BL2 is started? Or do you mean BL2 is where secure-mode is enabled? If it's done in BL2, and if the hardkernel folks are willing to sign BL2 images (which I gathered from discussions elsewhere in this series) then it seems possible to turn off secure-mode.
Yes it is possible - and easy - to do in BL2 / U-Boot SPL. This is what the Chromebooks do.
OK, good.
So I went to look in the u-boot-samsung repo and didn't see the code for the SPL there. Is the BL2 source (which I understood to be u-boot SPL) in some other repo?
It's in mainline U-Boot so no particular need to go to the Samsung tree.
I went to the samsung tree since the cover letter for this series pointed me there. But I just tried the latest version of this series (v11) using mainlin u-boot. Thanks for the pointer.
See arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/spl_boot.c and tzpc.c for the TrustZone stuff.
OK, thanks. Any pointers on how to get this building with mainline u-boot? Just adding CONFIG_SPL to odroid_xu3.h doesn't seem to work (compile errors.) I'm quite comfortable in the kernel, but I'm not very familiar with u-boot, especially SPL.
It's normally automatic unless some special disabling was done - see spl/u-boot-spl.bin in the output. You need to sign it though :-(
It takes us back to the 1960s where we sent off our code at night to run it :-)
I think the best bet is the current effort to mainline the rest of the Chromebook code then try to build it for XU3.
What's the status of that effort?
Coming along but the big/little support is still not there. The display works and most core peripherals. Needs more SPL work.
OK, I'll be glad to be a beta tester if/when you get to that point.
Regards, Simon