=== Highlights === * Merged compilation fixes from Bero and Agnus that were noticed by Eric
* Released the freeze Linaro+Android kernel
* After discussions with Niel Brown, came up with an idea for doing a wakelock alternate implementation in userspace.
* Stalled work on the scheduler based timer freezer and starting work trying to prototype wakelock userspace daemon.
* Booked travel
* Worked with Dave Hansen on issues related to the Ashmem alternative prototype.
* Scratched up summary of the linaro+android kernel workflow
* Bit of infrastructure week, updating various systems with Ubuntu 11.10 in prep for Linaro Connect.
=== Plans === * Final 11.10 Linaro+Android kernel release
* Review Neil Brown's userpsace pm deamon
* Continue working on userspace wakelockd
* Continue looking at ashmem alternative
=== Issues === * None