== Dave Martin <dmart> ==
=== Activity === ==== hardware-n-kernel-standard-architecture ==== * Upstream link-time discard versus SMP_ON_UP problem has now been fixed by a patch merged by Russell upstream. * Still waiting for acks/tested-bys on omap3/4 Thumb-2 compatiblity patches. Will re-prompt people this week. * Tried building the linaro kernel for iMX51. The resulting kernel seems to work OK on mx51evk; also booted the same kernel to a prompt on a Genesi efikamx (though without the hardware-specific drivers etc.) * Suggested to jcrigby to start building the linaro kernel in Thumb-2 for OMAP, but he encountered a problem with module loading. The issue may be a tools bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/binutils-linaro/+bug/725126
* An external developer expressed interest in porting kprobes to Thumb-2. Waiting for him to confirm whether to go ahead with it.
==== miscellaneous ==== * Attended the Emdebian sprint in ARM Cambridge. Mostly I wasn't directly involved, but it was a good opportunity to meet Debian community guys.
* Konstantinos Margaritis expressed interest in getting a Thumb-2 kernel on the Genesi platforms.
=== Plans === * Discuss prioritisation for outstanding kernel tasks.
* Write up the output from the Freescale i.MX BSP review discussion, and post for comment.
=== Issues === * (none)
=== Absences === * Possible absence of a couple of days in early March (unconfirmed, possibly around the weekend of the 12th).