On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 09:26:51AM +0000, David Laight wrote:
From: Russell King - ARM Linux
Sent: 20 June 2017 22:16
Consider that at the moment, we define the 32-bit RTC representation to start at a well known epoch. We _could_ decide that when it wraps to 0x80000000 seconds, we'll define the lower 0x40000000 seconds to mean dates in the future - and keep rolling that forward each time we cross another 0x40000000 seconds. Unless someone invents a real time machine, we shouldn't need to set a modern RTC back to 1970.
True, just treating the value as unsigned gives another 67 years.
We _already_ do treat it as an unsigned number, so already the panicing about 2038 is complete and utter nonsense - that's why I've been consistently stating the 2106 date.
If a 32bit RTC is programmed with the low 32bits of the 64bit 'seconds since 1970' the kernel should have no real difficulty sorting out the high bits from other available information.
Right, but converting all the 32-bit conversion functions to 64-bit means that rather than "sorting out" that from the core RTC driver, we have to implement solutions in each and every driver.
While that may appear to be a good idea, many RTCs that are 32-bit counters do not themselves have additional non-volatile storage, so it means that we're ending up with a lot of RTC specific hacks to go and get the additional information from some other driver elsewhere in the system.
Problems with things like the x86 bios setting the rtc to stupid values are another matter.
Forget x86, the RTC there does not store time as a 32-bit integer, it's stored as its component values, and there's non-volatile memory attached to the RTC. Hence, it's out of scope of "what to do about RTCs that store time in 32-bit format" and also out of scope of "what to do about RTC drivers that use the 32-bit time conversion function."