Hi Kevin, Alex,
There are no linaro-fixes to go on top of lsk-v3.14-android and lsk-v3.18-android this time around as well. So please pull aosp/android-3.{14,18} directly into linux-linaro-lsk-v3.{14,18}-android for 15.12.
Also now that android-4.1[1] is no longer experimental, I have prepared a lsk-v4.1-android topic branch[2] which you can pull from:
git://android.git.linaro.org/kernel/linaro-android.git linux-linaro-lsk-v4.1-android
Regards, Amit Pundir
[1] https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/common/+log/android-4.1 [2] https://android-git.linaro.org/gitweb/kernel/linaro-android.git/shortlog/ref...
Amit Pundir amit.pundir@linaro.org writes:
Hi Kevin, Alex,
There are no linaro-fixes to go on top of lsk-v3.14-android and lsk-v3.18-android this time around as well. So please pull aosp/android-3.{14,18} directly into linux-linaro-lsk-v3.{14,18}-android for 15.12.
Also now that android-4.1[1] is no longer experimental, I have prepared a lsk-v4.1-android topic branch[2] which you can pull from:
git://android.git.linaro.org/kernel/linaro-android.git linux-linaro-lsk-v4.1-android
Pulled, and pushed out a new lsk-v4.1-android branch to the LSK tree.
Hi Amit,
Amit Pundir amit.pundir@linaro.org writes:
Also now that android-4.1[1] is no longer experimental, I have prepared a lsk-v4.1-android topic branch[2] which you can pull from:
The v4.1-android branches introduces a *pile* of new compiler errors.
On kernelci.org, 26 of 117 defconfigs fail to build, copared to v4.1.14 stable where there are zero build failures.
Kevin Hilman khilman@kernel.org writes:
Hi Amit,
Amit Pundir amit.pundir@linaro.org writes:
Also now that android-4.1[1] is no longer experimental, I have prepared a lsk-v4.1-android topic branch[2] which you can pull from:
The v4.1-android branches introduces a *pile* of new compiler errors.
On kernelci.org, 26 of 117 defconfigs fail to build, copared to v4.1.14 stable where there are zero build failures.
oops, forgot the links:
Here'e the latest v4.1-android: https://kernelci.org/build/lsk/kernel/v4.1.14-760-gc44a8c420f3f/
compared zero build failures on the LTS it's based on: http://kernelci.org/build/stable/kernel/v4.1.14/
Also, v3.18-android has a handful of build errors: https://kernelci.org/build/lsk/kernel/v3.18.24-1323-g689cc2a66abb/
Compared to the zero it has on the LTS it is based on: http://kernelci.org/build/stable/kernel/v3.18.24/
Ideally these build issues should be fixed and submitted to AOSP.
Hi Kevin,
On 12/12/2015, Kevin Hilman khilman@kernel.org wrote:
Kevin Hilman khilman@kernel.org writes:
Hi Amit,
Amit Pundir amit.pundir@linaro.org writes:
Also now that android-4.1[1] is no longer experimental, I have prepared a lsk-v4.1-android topic branch[2] which you can pull from:
The v4.1-android branches introduces a *pile* of new compiler errors.
On kernelci.org, 26 of 117 defconfigs fail to build, copared to v4.1.14 stable where there are zero build failures.
oops, forgot the links:
Here'e the latest v4.1-android: https://kernelci.org/build/lsk/kernel/v4.1.14-760-gc44a8c420f3f/
compared zero build failures on the LTS it's based on: http://kernelci.org/build/stable/kernel/v4.1.14/
Please pull the fixes from updated lsk-4.1-android topic branch at
git://android.git.linaro.org/kernel/linaro-android.git linux-linaro-lsk-v4.1-android
Also, v3.18-android has a handful of build errors: https://kernelci.org/build/lsk/kernel/v3.18.24-1323-g689cc2a66abb/
Compared to the zero it has on the LTS it is based on: http://kernelci.org/build/stable/kernel/v3.18.24/
I have updated the lsk-3.18-android topic branch as well which should fix couple of broken configs. allmodconfig - x86 is still broken and WIP though. Please pull the updated branch from
git://android.git.linaro.org/kernel/linaro-android.git linaro-android-3.18-lsk
Regards, Amit Pundir
Ideally these build issues should be fixed and submitted to AOSP.
Amit Pundir amit.pundir@linaro.org writes:
Hi Kevin,
On 12/12/2015, Kevin Hilman khilman@kernel.org wrote:
Kevin Hilman khilman@kernel.org writes:
Hi Amit,
Amit Pundir amit.pundir@linaro.org writes:
Also now that android-4.1[1] is no longer experimental, I have prepared a lsk-v4.1-android topic branch[2] which you can pull from:
The v4.1-android branches introduces a *pile* of new compiler errors.
On kernelci.org, 26 of 117 defconfigs fail to build, copared to v4.1.14 stable where there are zero build failures.
oops, forgot the links:
Here'e the latest v4.1-android: https://kernelci.org/build/lsk/kernel/v4.1.14-760-gc44a8c420f3f/
compared zero build failures on the LTS it's based on: http://kernelci.org/build/stable/kernel/v4.1.14/
Please pull the fixes from updated lsk-4.1-android topic branch at
git://android.git.linaro.org/kernel/linaro-android.git linux-linaro-lsk-v4.1-android
Also, v3.18-android has a handful of build errors: https://kernelci.org/build/lsk/kernel/v3.18.24-1323-g689cc2a66abb/
Compared to the zero it has on the LTS it is based on: http://kernelci.org/build/stable/kernel/v3.18.24/
I have updated the lsk-3.18-android topic branch as well which should fix couple of broken configs. allmodconfig - x86 is still broken and WIP though. Please pull the updated branch from
git://android.git.linaro.org/kernel/linaro-android.git linaro-android-3.18-lsk
Thankd for both sets of updates.
I've pushed them to the lsk-v$REV-android-test branches for a spin through kernelci.org.