== Rajendra Nayak <rnayak> ==
=== Highlights ===
* Worked mostly on OMAP2/3 common clk data generation using python. Thanks to Paul Walmsley who did a perl script to convert C99 structs to JSON format, which allowed me to use python to reconvert from JSON to the common clock format. Fixed some issues around OMAP4 common clk scripts.
* Working on a series to get rid of the clk->clkdm association for OMAP2/3. This greatly helps reduce the data size of OMAP2/3/4 clock data when converting to common clk.
=== Plans ===
* Continue on pending issues with the script to generate OMAP2/3 common clk data.
* more work on getting rid of clk->clkdm association.
=== Misc ===
* Will be off 2 days next week. April 9th and April 10th.