=== Highlights === * Sent out last bits of timekeeping changes for 3.4 & got them merged. * Spent a bit of time re-installing & reconfiguring my system environment per new internal policies:
http://www.codinghorror.com/.a/6a0120a85dcdae970b016301e98de2970d-800wi * Sent out first pass at config fragment integration into the linaro kernel. Got some good feedback & patches from Tixy and Tushar. * Ran Android Subteam phone meeting & set up recurring phone meeting biweekly. * Reviewed Danial Walkers performance comparision between shm based and android logger based logging. Got into a longish discussion off-list discussion with him about Android's design requirements. Hopefully will see another iteration from Daniel. * At Tixy's prodding, contacted Dima to see about the earlysuspend removal in 3.3 and what fixes for the log flooding that caused are recommended. Got a quick response that they have a fix, and are looking to push it out soon. Tixy suggested a fix in the meantime. * Did a first pass fwd port of the Android 3.3 patch stack to 3.4. Messed up some of the mmc items and will likely have to try again. * Got a first pass at reworking the fadvise volatile code to store tree roots in a hash rather then bloat the address_space structure. It seems to be working, but I kind of don't believe it.
=== Plans === * More testing on fadvise volatile hash rework & send to lkml * Get all of Tushar's changes merged into the config fragment tree * Take another shot at fwd porting the Android tree to 3.4
=== Issues === * NA