Automated build results for all ARM defconfigs. Summarizes all build errors, warnings and section mismatches followed by a per-defconfig summary.
Tree/Branch: arm-soc/for-next Git describe: v3.11-rc7-851-gca59147 Commit: ca5914710f ARM: next: added back arm-soc-for-next-contents.txt
Build Time: 0 min 7 sec
Passed: 1 / 1 (100.00 %) Failed: 0 / 1 ( 0.00 %)
Errors: 0 Warnings: 0 Section Mismatches: 0
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- defconfigs with issues (other than build errors):
=============================================================================== Detailed per-defconfig build reports below:
Passed with no errors, warnings or mismatches: