=== Highlights === * Attended Linaro Connect. Now a bit exhausted. :)
* Presented on merge_config.sh script. Interesting discussion around how even within linaro we have a variety of build systems with which we will have to integrate the concept of config fragments. The question of who maintains the fragments is still somewhat open, but hopefully we can centralize their location in the linaro kernel source maintained by Andrey. Two interesting suggestions were to have something like a source command in config fragments, as well as some commented out annotation in the resulting config. Will have to look into these in the future.
* Dropped by the Android workgroup room and worked with Vishal and Amit on the Android team to get the origen fb console working with software rendering under Android. It was great to go into the Android room and get really useful help in working out what the problems were. This was really useful for Demo Friday, and great example of the benefit of attending Linaro Connect.
* Had some discussions as well as attended talks about plans for Android's ion infrastructure. There seems to be a fair amount of community interest in it, but from the Google folks' comments, it seems like it may have a fair amount of churn in the future, so it may not be best to upstream it yet. Having some point for community discourse and collaboration (if not a centralized merge point) is needed.
* Re-sent android-alarm driver to GregKH for staging, as he had some last minute requests on minor patch ordering issues.
* Resolved the last few bugs I could trigger with my range-tree implementation of fadvise volatile code. Sent out to lkml for review. So far only minor comments, but I did get some mail today on a different but related fadvise effort that is also using range data.
* Attended the Android upstreaming effort community face to face meeting organized by Tim Bird. It was ~4 hours and covered a lot of material. Very positive interaction overall with the Google folks. They seem to be in agreement with most of our approaches, and where they disagreed they were not dismissive, and were open to us still prototyping and trying to convince them otherwise.
* Demoed the origen board running Android on a vanilla linus' HEAD 3.3-rc kernel with only two minor patches. Repeated myself endlessly to probably everyone.
=== Plans === * Need to summarize and organize my thoughts from the week, and catch up on some Android Kernel Subteam items.
* Plan on closer review of Rafael's wakelock patches that were sent out and try to integrate them with the android alarm timers work in staging.
* Read over other fadvises discussions going on, and review interval kinterval tree implementation sent out by Andrea Righi.
* Take another pass at fadvise volatile code.
* Ping tglx on 3.4 queue.
=== Issues === * NA