== Deepak Saxena <dsaxena> ==
=== Highlights ===
* Caught up on most of pre-holiday emails
* Worked up updating and cleaning up KWG blueprints for 12.01 work
* Connect session planning
* Lots of meeting catching up with folks and planning for 2012.
=== Plans ===
* Release 12.01 kernel
* 12.02 planning
* Work on kernel wiki page updates
* Finish up connect session registration
* Cleanup remaining unfinished KWG roadmap cards
* 1-on-1's, sub-team meetings
=== Travel/Time Off ===
* Connect + ELC 02/04-02/20 (Taking the Train from Portland -> Oakland on 02/03 afternoon. Taking days between Connect and ELC as semi-time off, will still be responding to emails but will mostly be exploring around the bay area. Taking train back on 12/19 evening, back to work Monday 12/20 afternoon).