Attendees: Alex Lemberg, Arnd Bergmann, Balaji TK, Jakub Pavelek, Luca Porzio, Venkatraman S (#linaro-storage: alex, arnd, balajitk, Xruxa, lupo, svenkatr)
Discussion Notes:- 1. Mini review of f2fs filesystem * Limitation: Can only deal with power of 2 erase blocks * Limitation: Needs 6 concurrent erase blocks - low end SD cards might not have that many * Good review in LWN; yet to read complete source code
2. Linaro Connect planning * Need to shuffle around sessions due to limitation and travel logistics * 3 sessions proposed. ** f2fs review *** Need to confirm participation from Samsung, and whether any BPs will come out of the review. *** Good to have benchmarking done by Linaro folks (svenkatr -todo) ** eMMC4.6 features *** Needs Jedec membership, should be made as private / invite only meeting ** Swap on flash *** Will be a private session due to time constraints
* Further discussions over email on Connect session scheduling / logistics.
3. Need to change the weekly meeting time to account for Friday holiday for Alex - to be discussed at Connect.
Regards, Venkat.