=== omarrmz ===
=== Highlights ===
* Setting up environment to test power management, specifically for suspend/resume and OFF mode if available on 3.5-rc6.
* Digging mailing list for fixes related to suspend/resume not working on Panda 4460 - Looks like there were some fixes based on 3.5-rc2 from Tero of an exiting bug only affecting 4460 that prevents the secondary CPU from correctly booting up, rebased to 3.5-rc6 to get suspend/resume working. - As a side issue while trying 4430, booting from MMC doesn't work; spent few time investigating that but given that community reports show that MMC on Panda 4430 is working abandoned the investigation. - Recent changes in MMC now force it to use DMA engine to work, minor mail exchange about that (needed to boot over MMC).
* Started drafting changes for iommu and mailbox OFF mode support.
* Completing TI's HR courses.
* Rebased my patches floating in the mailing list to 3.5-rc6 (minor effort)