== Venkatraman S svenkatr ==
=== Highlights === * Created elevator API description and mapping document for CFQ and deadline scheduler https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap8HyUkSzX2JdGFnQU...
*Generated iozone metrics for CFQ and deadline scheduler for comparison.
* Understanding the work completed on fs-block-allocation and try the flashbench utility
* Synced up with Saugata on eMMC4.5 Context-ID and Data-Tag implementation requirements
=== Plans ===
* Study of deadline scheduler and comparison with CFQ on random workloads with flashbench
* Restart work on eMMC-HPI implementation - plan to post initial draft by e/o December
* Study UFS and draft a validation spec for UFS