On Sat, Aug 1, 2020 at 4:18 PM Sasha Levin sashal@kernel.org wrote:
[This is an automated email]
This commit has been processed because it contains a "Fixes:" tag fixing commit: 6dc5fd93b2f1 ("ARM: 8900/1: UNWINDER_FRAME_POINTER implementation for Clang").
The bot has tested the following trees: v5.7.11, v5.4.54.
v5.7.11: Failed to apply! Possible dependencies: 5489ab50c227 ("arm/asm: add loglvl to c_backtrace()") 99c56f602183 ("ARM: backtrace-clang: check for NULL lr")
v5.4.54: Failed to apply! Possible dependencies: 40ff1ddb5570 ("ARM: 8948/1: Prevent OOB access in stacktrace") 5489ab50c227 ("arm/asm: add loglvl to c_backtrace()") 99c56f602183 ("ARM: backtrace-clang: check for NULL lr")
NOTE: The patch will not be queued to stable trees until it is upstream.
How should we proceed with this patch?
Ah, ok, I'll provide manual backports then once this hits mainline. In that case, should I drop the explicit `Cc: stable...` tag?
(I don't think the dependency on the loglvl should be backported, which is the source of conflict)