This patch was applied to netdev/net.git (refs/heads/master):
On Thu, 26 Aug 2021 08:44:56 +0200 you wrote:
From: Stefan Mätje stefan.maetje@esd.eu
This patch fixes the interchanged fetch of the CAN RX and TX error counters from the ESD_EV_CAN_ERROR_EXT message. The RX error counter is really in struct rx_msg::data[2] and the TX error counter is in struct rx_msg::data[3].
Here is the summary with links: - [net] can: usb: esd_usb2: esd_usb2_rx_event(): fix the interchange of the CAN RX and TX error counters https://git.kernel.org/netdev/net/c/044012b52029
You are awesome, thank you! -- Deet-doot-dot, I am a bot. https://korg.docs.kernel.org/patchwork/pwbot.html