[This is an automated email]
This commit has been processed because it contains a "Fixes:" tag fixing commit: 2935ed5339c4 ("drm/i915: Remove logical HW ID").
The bot has tested the following trees: v5.6.7.
v5.6.7: Failed to apply! Possible dependencies: 1883a0a4658e ("drm/i915: Track hw reported context runtime") 35f3fd8182ba ("drm/i915/execlists: Workaround switching back to a completed context") 489645d522df ("drm/i915/gt: Show the cumulative context runtime in engine debug") 4c8ed8b12674 ("drm/i915/selftests: Exercise timeslice rewinding") 4c977837ba29 ("drm/i915/execlists: Peek at the next submission for error interrupts") 606727842d8b ("drm/i915/gt: Include the execlists CCID of each port in the engine dump") 61f874d6e001 ("drm/i915/gt: Use scnprintf() for avoiding potential buffer overflow") 6f280b133dc2 ("drm/i915/perf: Fix OA context id overlap with idle context id") 70a76a9b8e9d ("drm/i915/gt: Hook up CS_MASTER_ERROR_INTERRUPT") 8b6d457f9532 ("drm/i915/execlists: Include priority info in trace_ports") b4892e440432 ("drm/i915: Make define for lrc state offset") b4d3acaa7333 ("drm/i915/gt: Pull sseu context updates under gt") c4e8ba739034 ("drm/i915/gt: Yield the timeslice if caught waiting on a user semaphore") ff3d4ff6c9e6 ("drm/i915/gt: Tidy repetition in declaring gen8+ interrupts")
NOTE: The patch will not be queued to stable trees until it is upstream.
How should we proceed with this patch?