Hi Konstantin,
Thanks a lot, this exactly our situation.
I will forward this to our specialist department and will be back if necessary.
Thanks again for your appreciated support and help. Have a nice day. Best regards. François
-----Message d'origine----- De : Konstantin Ryabitsev konstantin@linuxfoundation.org Envoyé : mardi 23 novembre 2021 18:00 À : Fernandes, Francois Francois.Fernandes@conduent.com Cc : webmaster@kernel.org; stable@vger.kernel.org Objet : Re: [External] - Re: EOL Kernels versions
On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 04:53:43PM +0000, Fernandes, Francois wrote:
OK, So in this case we 'only' have to follow the version for the distribution date and move this at each EOL distribution date.
I understood that this kind of evolution is easier than a kernel evolution. Could you confirm please ?
I cannot confirm this, since the answer will depend on what exactly you need for your project. If you are not shipping custom hardware and do not require a custom kernel build, then you should stick with the kernel that comes with the distribution you are using and upgrade whenever the next Debian version is released.
Hope this helps.