Hi Greg,
gregkh@linuxfoundation.org wrote:
This is a note to let you know that I've just added the patch titled
kprobes: Use synchronize_rcu_tasks() for optprobe with CONFIG_PREEMPT=y
to the 4.14-stable tree which can be found at: http://www.kernel.org/git/?p=linux/kernel/git/stable/stable-queue.git%3Ba=su...
The filename of the patch is: kprobes-use-synchronize_rcu_tasks-for-optprobe-with-config_preempt-y.patch and it can be found in the queue-4.14 subdirectory.
If you, or anyone else, feels it should not be added to the stable tree, please let stable@vger.kernel.org know about it.
Can you please also add the below two patches for v4.14-stable tree? The below patches address some issues that arise on powerpc due to this patch: commit 6baea433bc84 (powerpc/jprobes: Disable preemption when triggered through ftrace) commit 8a2d71a3f273 (powerpc/kprobes: Disable preemption before invoking probe handler for optprobes)
They apply on the stable-v4.14.y tree without any changes.
Thanks, Naveen