On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 12:20:18PM -0500, Jason Andryuk wrote:
xen: Fix XenStore initialisation for XS_LOCAL
commit 5f46400f7a6a4fad635d5a79e2aa5a04a30ffea1 upstream
The requested patch fixes Xen Dom0 xenstore support. It has a "Fixes: 3499ba8198ca ("xen: Fix event channel callback via INTX/GSI")" in the commit - that patch was introduced to stable in 5.4.93 and 5.10.11 (didn't check other branches).
Confirmed it is needed as well for older branches as well. The commit was backported to 4.14.218, 4.19.171, 5.4.93 and 5.10.11. At least for 4.19.y I could confirm (by a report of a user in Debian) that it is broken in 4.19.171 and fixed by cherry-picking the above mentioned commit.
Regards, Salvatore