This patch was applied to bluetooth/bluetooth-next.git (master) by Luiz Augusto von Dentz luiz.von.dentz@intel.com:
On Sun, 16 Apr 2023 16:14:04 +0800 you wrote:
Previously, capability was checked using capable(), which verified that the caller of the ioctl system call had the required capability. In addition, the result of the check would be stored in the HCI_SOCK_TRUSTED flag, making it persistent for the socket.
However, malicious programs can abuse this approach by deliberately sharing an HCI socket with a privileged task. The HCI socket will be marked as trusted when the privileged task occasionally makes an ioctl call.
Here is the summary with links: - bluetooth: Perform careful capability checks in hci_sock_ioctl() https://git.kernel.org/bluetooth/bluetooth-next/c/313016d28888
You are awesome, thank you!