On Mon, 2015-11-16 at 18:31 +0000, Ryan Harkin wrote:
On 16 November 2015 at 17:47, Kevin Hilman khilman@linaro.org wrote:
Alex Shi alex.shi@linaro.org writes:
This option is required by PCIe SATA disks under Juno board.
Signed-off-by: Alex Shi alex.shi@linaro.org To: Andrey Konovalov andrey.konovalov@linaro.org Cc: Ryan Harkin ryan.harkin@linaro.org Cc: Kevin Hilman khilman@linaro.org Cc: linaro-kernel@lists.linaro.org
Acked-by: Kevin Hilman khilman@linaro.org
Maybe it would be better to cherry-pick this commit across to get more complete PCIe support?
Are those configs correct for 4.1? (Probably are)
Tixy, perhaps we need to "upstream" some of our config changes to configs.git?
Only makes sense for features which are actually 'upstream'.
For the tip of the configs repo, that means for code in Linus Torvald's tree at the relevant version (which reminds me a lot of stuff is now in 4.4-rc1 :-).
I think $subject patch at the moment is for LSK 4.1, and is using the 4.1 configs branch. That should be up-to-date with mainline 4.1 so LSK is only missing configs for things they backport. So, they might get clues from looking at our configs in linux-linaro of the relevant vintage the code was ported from, but I don't think there's scope for wholesale 'upstreaming' of configs.