Total jobs: 194 Total errors: 44 (22.68%) LAVA errors: 0 (0.00%) Test errors: 2 (1.03%) Job errors: 22 (11.34%) Infra errors: 20 (10.31%) Canceled jobs: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: dragonboard-410c Total jobs: 9 Total errors: 8 (88.89%) Error type: Job Error count: 8 (88.89%) Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'Unable to update image rootfs: 'mount: mount exited with status 32: mount: /sysroot: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.\n dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.'' Count: 8 (88.89%) IDs: dragonboard-410c-02: 4042462 4042468 4042473 4042479 4042539 4042568 4042587 4042617
Device type: x86 Total jobs: 15 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: beaglebone-black Total jobs: 29 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: dragonboard-845c Total jobs: 16 Total errors: 4 (25.00%) Error type: Job Error count: 4 (25.00%) Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'Unsupported url protocol scheme: ' Count: 4 (25.00%) IDs: dragonboard-845c-02: 4042446 dragonboard-845c-04: 4042447 dragonboard-845c-06: 4042445 dragonboard-845c-08: 4042444
Device type: x15 Total jobs: 72 Total errors: 31 (43.06%) Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 20 (27.78%) Error: No match for error type 'Infrastructure', message 'bootloader-commands timed out after 286 seconds' Count: 19 (26.39%) IDs: x15-01: 4042484 4042494 4042514 4042520 4042526 4042557 4042572 4042580 4042593 4042608 4042614 4042620 4042623 4042628 4042631 4042633 4042637 4042639 4042650 Error: No match for error type 'Infrastructure', message 'bootloader-commands timed out after 285 seconds' Count: 1 (1.39%) IDs: x15-01: 4042503 Error type: Job Error count: 9 (12.50%) Error: wait for prompt timed out Count: 9 (12.50%) IDs: x15-01: 4042486 4042499 4042510 4042545 4042546 4042553 4042586 4042610 4042643 Error type: Test Error count: 2 (2.78%) Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'Network not able to ping; job exit' Count: 2 (2.78%) IDs: x15-01: 4042624 4042625
Device type: imx8mq-evk Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: qemu Total jobs: 5 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: synquacer Total jobs: 17 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: frdm-kw41z Total jobs: 2 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: frdm-k64f Total jobs: 3 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: docker Total jobs: 3 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: bcm2837-rpi-3-b-32 Total jobs: 19 Total errors: 1 (5.26%) Error type: Job Error count: 1 (5.26%) Error: compress-overlay timed out Count: 1 (5.26%) IDs: rpi3-b-32-02: 4042492
Device type: juno Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: x15-bl Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: stm32mp157c-dk2 Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)