Total jobs: 183 Total errors: 38 (20.77%) LAVA errors: 0 (0.00%) Test errors: 33 (18.03%) Job errors: 3 (1.64%) Infra errors: 2 (1.09%) Canceled jobs: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: hi6220-hikey-r2 Total jobs: 42 Total errors: 17 (40.48%) Error type: Test Error count: 17 (40.48%) Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'tradefed - adb device lost[4595FE84003F72FC]' Count: 1 (2.38%) IDs: hikey-6220-r2-04: 7360449 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'The network seems not available, as the ping command failed' Count: 12 (28.57%) IDs: hikey-6220-r2-05: 7359802 7359817 7359818 7359819 7359826 7359893 7359948 7360217 7360238 7360239 7360369 7360394 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'tradefed - adb device lost[8D6E5F00030E051]' Count: 1 (2.38%) IDs: hikey-6220-r2-02: 7359809 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'lava-docker-test-shell timed out after 593 seconds' Count: 1 (2.38%) IDs: hikey-6220-r2-02: 7359807 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'tradefed - adb device lost[2047EDF7003CEE68]' Count: 1 (2.38%) IDs: hikey-6220-r2-01: 7359804 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'lava-docker-test-shell timed out after 28797 seconds' Count: 1 (2.38%) IDs: hikey-6220-r2-04: 7359801
Device type: qrb5165-rb5 Total jobs: 39 Total errors: 7 (17.95%) Error type: Test Error count: 6 (15.38%) Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'lava-docker-test-shell timed out after 596 seconds' Count: 1 (2.56%) IDs: rb5-06: 7360392 Error: Device NOT found! Count: 4 (10.26%) IDs: rb5-03: 7359762 7360311 7360355 7360375 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'tradefed - adb device lost[d8a1879f]' Count: 1 (2.56%) IDs: rb5-07: 7360299 Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 1 (2.56%) Error: Connection closed Count: 1 (2.56%) IDs: rb5-05: 7360302
Device type: dragonboard-845c Total jobs: 63 Total errors: 5 (7.94%) Error type: Test Error count: 3 (4.76%) Error: Device NOT found! Count: 2 (3.17%) IDs: db845c-02: 7359746 7360317 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'lava-docker-test-shell timed out after 597 seconds' Count: 1 (1.59%) IDs: db845c-03: 7359722 Error type: Job Error count: 2 (3.17%) Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 807 seconds' Count: 1 (1.59%) IDs: db845c-02: 7360308 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 871 seconds' Count: 1 (1.59%) IDs: db845c-07: 7359676
Device type: hi960-hikey Total jobs: 35 Total errors: 8 (22.86%) Error type: Test Error count: 7 (20.00%) Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'lava-docker-test-shell timed out after 570 seconds' Count: 1 (2.86%) IDs: hi960-hikey-05: 7359875 Error: Device NOT found! Count: 3 (8.57%) IDs: hi960-hikey-02: 7359849 hi960-hikey-05: 7359833 7359842 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'lava-docker-test-shell timed out after 596 seconds' Count: 1 (2.86%) IDs: hi960-hikey-05: 7359693 Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'The network seems not available, as the ping command failed' Count: 2 (5.71%) IDs: hi960-hikey-02: 7359681 hi960-hikey-05: 7359683 Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 1 (2.86%) Error: fastboot-flash-action timed out Count: 1 (2.86%) IDs: hi960-hikey-05: 7359827
Device type: e850-96 Total jobs: 2 Total errors: 1 (50.00%) Error type: Job Error count: 1 (50.00%) Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 862 seconds' Count: 1 (50.00%) IDs: e850-96-01: 7346476
Device type: dragonboard-410c Total jobs: 2 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)