Total jobs: 470 Total errors: 120 (25.53%) LAVA errors: 0 (0.00%) Test errors: 5 (1.06%) Job errors: 33 (7.02%) Infra errors: 82 (17.45%) Canceled jobs: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: x15 Total jobs: 243 Total errors: 100 (41.15%) Error type: Job Error count: 16 (6.58%) Error: wait for prompt timed out Count: 13 (5.35%) IDs: x15-01: 4053790 4053922 4053948 4057377 4057412 4057447 4057454 4057595 4057767 4057814 4057876 4057913 4058097 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 273 seconds' Count: 2 (0.82%) IDs: x15-01: 4057471 4058012 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'login-action timed out after 276 seconds' Count: 1 (0.41%) IDs: x15-01: 4057991 Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 79 (32.51%) Error: No match for error type 'Infrastructure', message 'bootloader-commands timed out after 286 seconds' Count: 67 (27.57%) IDs: x15-01: 4053781 4053797 4053802 4053807 4053811 4053818 4053824 4053825 4053829 4053834 4053848 4053858 4053862 4053868 4053876 4053878 4053897 4053899 4053901 4053903 4053905 4053908 4053914 4053919 4053925 4053929 4053933 4053938 4053942 4053944 4053951 4053954 4053956 4053957 4053962 4053983 4053985 4057371 4057395 4057403 4057411 4057473 4057500 4057516 4057524 4057541 4057552 4057581 4057653 4057752 4057753 4057774 4057785 4057796 4057801 4057822 4057827 4057829 4057881 4057899 4057900 4057921 4057990 4058004 4058013 4058034 4058092 Error: Connection closed Count: 3 (1.23%) IDs: x15-01: 4053839 4057933 4058040 Error: No match for error type 'Infrastructure', message 'bootloader-commands timed out after 285 seconds' Count: 9 (3.70%) IDs: x15-01: 4048184 4053815 4053872 4053965 4053970 4053989 4053991 4053995 4057547 Error type: Test Error count: 5 (2.06%) Error: No match for error type 'Test', message 'Network not able to ping; job exit' Count: 5 (2.06%) IDs: x15-01: 4057705 4057715 4057853 4057966 4057969
Device type: beaglebone-black Total jobs: 58 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: bcm2837-rpi-3-b-32 Total jobs: 46 Total errors: 5 (10.87%) Error type: Job Error count: 4 (8.70%) Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'test-definition timed out after 51 seconds' Count: 1 (2.17%) IDs: rpi3-b-32-02: 4058018 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'test-install-overlay timed out after 3 seconds' Count: 1 (2.17%) IDs: rpi3-b-32-02: 4057987 Error: compress-overlay timed out Count: 1 (2.17%) IDs: rpi3-b-32-02: 4057897 Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'test-definition timed out after 62 seconds' Count: 1 (2.17%) IDs: rpi3-b-32-02: 4057788 Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 1 (2.17%) Error: No match for error type 'Infrastructure', message 'extract-nfsrootfs timed out after 55 seconds' Count: 1 (2.17%) IDs: rpi3-b-32-02: 4057952
Device type: synquacer Total jobs: 47 Total errors: 2 (4.26%) Error type: Infrastructure Error count: 2 (4.26%) Error: Connection closed Count: 2 (4.26%) IDs: synquacer-01: 4057927 4058026
Device type: dragonboard-845c Total jobs: 17 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: dragonboard-410c Total jobs: 14 Total errors: 13 (92.86%) Error type: Job Error count: 13 (92.86%) Error: No match for error type 'Job', message 'Unable to update image rootfs: 'mount: mount exited with status 32: mount: /sysroot: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.\n dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.'' Count: 13 (92.86%) IDs: dragonboard-410c-02: 4057775 4057812 4057833 4057840 4057844 4057849 4057891 4057895 4057929 4057978 4058007 4058028 4058085
Device type: x86 Total jobs: 29 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: qemu Total jobs: 5 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: docker Total jobs: 3 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: frdm-kw41z Total jobs: 2 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: frdm-k64f Total jobs: 3 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: x15-bl Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: hi6220-hikey-r2 Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)
Device type: juno Total jobs: 1 Total errors: 0 (0.00%)